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Form for the Divine Will Prayer Groups

Form for the Divine Will Prayer Groups per Archbishop Giovan Battista Pichierri request of June 20, 2013

Click here for the 6/20/13 Letter from the Archbishop of Trani on the
Census of the Divine Will Groups.

Everyone who is interested in The Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta and the great Gift of the Divine Will, please fill out the following form and send to
Padre Sergio  Pellegrini at
our direct knowledge.  With compilation it will be possible to gather useful information to conducby July 30, 2013.


Dearest Sisters and Brothers,

I hereby wish to present a DATA FORM for the “Divine Will” groups of y

t an initial survey that will then be regularly updated.  The initiative comes as a realization of what I wrote in Communiqué number 3 of November 1, 2012:  “The diffusion in the world of the figure and writings of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta has grown considerably in recent years, reaching new nations in all continents.  (…)  The joy of witnessing the growth of this reality is accompanied by the concern to extend to all a heartfelt appeal for unity.”  From this the commitment to “Create a network of links between the various groups united with their own Bishop and our Archdiocese to make more visible the great family of the Divine Will.”

The data collected will be published on the official website of the “Secretary for the Cause of Beatification” ( and shall be used to convey news and updates on changes to the Cause and the life of the same groups in the world.

I ask everyone that the completed form arrives to the
address no later than July 30, 2013.

I am certain that this initiative will find your enthusiastic welcome and full cooperation.  Daily invoking the coming of the Kingdom, regards to all with fraternal friendship,

Trani, June 20 2013

Giovan Battista Pichierri



Everyone who is interested in The Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta and the great Gift of the Divine Will, please fill out the following form and send to
Padre Sergio  Pellegrini at by July 30, 2013.


(fill in only the known fields)

NAME OF THE GROUP  _____________________________________________________

LOCATION (Where it is located – town is sufficient) ________________________________

DIOCESE ________________________________________________________________

CURRENT BISHOP_________________________________________________________

RESPONSIBLE FOR THE GROUP _____________________________________________

ASSISTANT ECCLESIASTIC __________________________________________________

WEB SITE ________________________________________________________________

EMAIL address ____________________________________________________________

YEAR OF FOUNDATION OF THE GROUP _______________________________________

YEAR OF ECCLESIASTICAL APPROVAL (you can attach a copy of the Decree or other documents) _______________________________________________________________


HOW THE DOCTRINE OF THE DIVINE WILL CAME TO BE KNOWN (a brief explanation) _________________________________________________________________________

FORMATIVE ACTIVITIES OF THE GROUP _______________________________________

NOTES (you can attach photos or other documents) ______________________________

Please email the completed form to Padre Sergio  Pellegrini

by July 30, 2013

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