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What it means to live in the Divine Will #3

Volume 17 – August 4, 1925


(Luisa) The one who Lives in the Divine Will is in Communication with all Creation, and is sustained by All the Works of her Creator. 


   “…Oh, if you knew what it Means to Live in My Divine Will!  There is no division between (Luisa) the soul and Heaven – wherever My Divine Will is, she (Luisa) is also.  Her acts, her pains, her words, are in Act and Operating in any Place in which My Divine Will is Present.  And since My Divine Will is Everywhere, (Luisa) the soul places herself in the Order of Creation, and through the Electricity of the Supreme Volition, she (Luisa) is in Communication with all Created Things.  And just as Created Things are in Order and Harmony among themselves, each one is the support of the other, and not one of them can move; and – may this never be – if even just one Thing Created by Me should move, the Creation would be all upset; there is a Secret among them, a Mysterious Force, such that, while they Live Suspended in the air, without any support, by the Force of Communication which they have among themselves, each one sustains the other – in the same way, (Luisa) the one who does My Divine Will is in Communication with all, and is sustained by all the Works of her Creator.  Therefore, all Recognize her (Luisa), Love her, and offer to her (Luisa) the Electricity, the Secret of Living together with them, Suspended between Heaven and earth, all Sustained only by the Force of the Supreme Will.”



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