Novena for the 69th Anniversary of the Passing into Eternity of the Little Daughter of the Divine Will Luisa Piccarreta Divine Providence led the Little Daughter of the Divine Will down paths so mysterious that she knew no joys other than God and His Grace. One day the Lord said to her: “Listen, I went …
February 2016 archive
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Feb 23
24 Hours of Our Lord’s Passion
The 24 Hours of the Passion The Value and Benefit of Meditating them. 2/20/2016 The desire to represent the sacred, to give form to the mystery of God revealed in Jesus, is not only legitimate, but also responds to the needs of the Catholic faith that recognizes in the incarnation of the Son of God, …
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Feb 15
Crowning of Our Lady of Guadalupe
+ Coronation of the Image of the Most Holy Virgin of Guadalupe Blessed are you, O Lord, God of heaven and earth, who, in your mercy and justice, cast down the proud, and exalt the humble. In the wondrous designs of your providence, you have offered a perfect model in the Incarnate Word and in the Virgin Mother: Your Son, who voluntarily …
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Feb 11
Letter of Pope Francis on indulgence for Jubilee Year of Mercy
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