St. Maria GorettiNovena starts today 6/27 – Here Maria was born Oct. 16, 1890 Lazio Italy and died July 6, 1902 She is know as the young Saint of Modesty, Pledge, and Prayers Roman Catholic Saint. The third of six children of a poor couple who rose to become one of the twentieth …
June 2017 archive
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Jun 20
Prayer needed for President Trump against the Occult!
Donald Trump Please pray with us in order to protect the President The Command Prayer Abba Father, In the name of Jesus, Through the Power of the Holy Spirit under the Mantle of Mary through the Intercession of all the Angels and Saints and The Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta take my humble prayers and …
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Jun 12
En Honor de Junio 13 Apariciones de Nuestra Señora de Fatima
Los Niños de FatimaComo partense a la Divina Voluntad La Oración de Fatima Oración de el Dia 13 FIAT!
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Jun 12
In Honor of June 13 Apparition of Our Lady of Fatima
In honor of the June 13 Apparition of Our Lady of Fatima to the children: “I AM ALPHA AND OMEGA, the Beginning and the End, saith the Lord God, Who Is, and Who Was, and Who Is to Come, The Almighty.” (Rev 1:8)As it pertains to the Divine Will found here Fatima Command Prayer Fatima Prayer …
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Jun 11
Novena to St. Aloysius Gonzaga
St. Aloysius Gonzaga NOVENA to ST. ALOYSIUS GONZAGA Feast Day June 21st JUNE 12 – 21 V. In the Name (✠) of the Father… R. Amen. Prayer to Saint A. Gonzaga V. Saint Aloysius, adorned with angelic virtues, R. I, thy most unworthy client, * commend to thee most earnestly * the chastity of my mind …
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Jun 08
As the Battle Intensifies…….St. Joan of ARC Patron Saint of the Divine Will
Patron Saint of the Divine Will “I am NOT AFRAID, I was born to do this” “Children say that people are hung sometimes for speaking the TRUTH” “One life is all we have. Believe in living it! But to sacrifice what you are and to live without belief, that is fate more terrible than dying.” St. …
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