Sacred Heart of Jesus HAVE MERCY ON US
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Jun 23
In Voluntate Dei! – Fiat
Most esteemed one in the Lord,
You cannot imagine the contentment I feel when I hear that one wants to live in the Divine Will, because it is a victory of Jesus; and as He conquers our will, we conquer His Own. In the Kingdom of the Divine Will no one loses, we are all winners, both God and the creature.
I am surprised by your doubts. How is it? Don’t you know that Redemption is preparation for the Kingdom of the Divine Will? And the Sacred Heart of Jesus is nothing other than the immense Reign of His Most Holy Divine Will. It is not the Heart that dominates; it is the Divine Will that dominates His Divine Heart. Poor Heart, if it did not have a Will to dominate it, it would be good at nothing. If the will is good, the heart is good; if the will is holy, the heart is holy. If our will gives place to the Divine, letting It raise Its throne in our will, the heart acquires the divine qualities by grace. Therefore, both in the Divine and in the human order, it is always the will that has the first place, the prime act, its rule. The heart and all the rest are in the secondary order… Therefore, to say that the Heart reigns, if the Divine Will does not reign, is absurd. They can be called devotions, pious practices…; if the Divine Will does not reign, the Kingdom does not exist. It exists in Heaven, but has no place on earth. However, the Holy Church, organ and messenger of the Supreme Fiat, through the Sacred Heart, through the Celestial Mama, beseeches the Kingdom of the Divine Will. She does not say it with words, but says it with facts. The Divine Volition is the King – His Heart, His wounds, His precious Blood, the sweet Queen, form the ministers that surround the King, and through them beseech the Kingdom of the Divine Will in souls.
Now, how can one know It? All the necessary things, the different circumstances in which we may find ourselves, are Will of God for us. If we are really determined to live in It, God is so pleased that, if miracles are needed, He will make them in order not to let us use our will. It is up to us to truly decide, and be willing to give even our life in order to live in It; and dear Jesus and the Sovereign Queen will take on the commitment, will be our sentries, and will surround us with such graces as to not let us be betrayed by our own wills. More so, since our Lord does not teach difficult things, nor does He impose them or want them, but He facilitates all that He wants from us in an admirable way; even more, He puts Himself in our place to make it easy for us, and does together with us all that He wants us to do.
I commend myself to your prayers and also to my good daughter Amelia. Make yourselves saints. May the Divine Volition stretch out Its arms to you, to raise you in Its womb. Look at all things as bearers of It, to give you Its life, Its sanctity… The little one – raise him holy, as a gift of the Fiat; who knows whether your desires to see him religious and holy may not be fulfilled. So I leave you all in the Divine Volition; let me always find you in It. And with a thousand regards to the father, to the mother and to the son, I say,
Luisa Piccarreta
the little daughter of the Divine Will
The Feast of the Sacred Heart and Promises
The Sacred Heart of Jesus feast and devotion was established as a result of Jesus Himself appearing to St. Margaret Mary Alacoque and requesting it. This day again leads us to Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament where He continues to manifest His tremendous Love, Mercy and Compassion for all of humankind. The messages that Our Lord gave were primarily centered on His Most Blessed Sacrament.
In His apparitions to St. Margaret Mary Jesus gave her three reasons why He wanted the feast of His Sacred Heart established:
Jesus promised that He would make the riches of His Sacred Heart abound towards those who should render Him this honor, both on the day of this feast, and on every other day when they should visit Him in The Most Holy Sacrament.
The Twelve Promises of the Sacred Heart to St. Margaret Mary
“And He showed me that it was His great desire of being loved by men and of withdrawing them from the path of ruin into which Satan hurls such crowds of them, that made Him form the design of manifesting His Heart to men, with all the treasures of love, of mercy, of grace, of sanctification and salvation which It contains, in order that those who desire to render Him and procure for Him all the honour and love possible, might themselves be abundantly enriched with those divine treasures of which this Heart is the source. He should be honored under the figure of this Heart of flesh, and Its image should be exposed … He promised me that wherever this image should be exposed with a view to showing It special honour, He would pour forth His blessings and graces. This devotion was the last effort of His love that He would grant to men in these latter ages, in order to withdraw them from the empire of Satan which He desired to destroy, and thus to introduce them into the sweet liberty of the rule of His love, which He wished to restore in the hearts of all those who should embrace this devotion.” (St. Margaret Mary)
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Jun 21
The Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta, the Little Daughter of the Divine Will, baptismal name was after St. Aloysius (St. Luis). “Luisa” means “mighty in warfare.”
Luisa was born on April 23rd, the Feast of St. George the Martyr, in the province of Apulia, which is located on the heel of the Italian “boot”—which points to Jerusalem. In Genesis 3:15 God promised to crush the serpent’s head. In 1868, within 3 years after Luisa’s birth, the Church of the “Pater Noster” in Jerusalem was rebuilt for the third time, recalling the only prayer taught by Jesus: “Thy Kingdom come, Thy Will be done on earth as It is in Heaven.”
Luisa was born and died in the Diocese of Trani-Nazareth, in the town of Corato, whose name in its original Latin, cor datum, means “a heart given.” This recalls the words of the Prophet Ezekiel:
“A new heart I will give you, and a new spirit I will put within you; and I will take out of your flesh the heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. And I will put my spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my statutes and be careful to observe my ordinances. You shall dwell in the land which I gave your fathers; and you shall be my people, and I will be your God. (Ezekiel 36:27-28)
The Feast day of St. Aloysius, June 21st, was the same day of the release of the Baltimore Catechism.
St. Aloysius Gonzaga—Feast Day June 21st. He is known for his purity and the performance of great austerities and religious practices. St. Aloysius joined the Jesuits in Rome in 1585. He has been declared Protector of young students and Patron of Catholic Youth.
St. Aloysius Gonzaga is known for his purity and the performance of great austerities and religious practices. Aloysius is the Latin form of Gonzaga’s given name, Luigi. In English, the equivalent form would be Louis. The Gonzaga name is well known in Italy. Aloysius Gonzaga was born at Castiglione near Mantua, Italy, in 1568 to a celebrated family of wealth and prestige. As the first born son of his father, Ferrante, and his mother, Marta, he was in line to inherit his father’s title of Marquis. He grew up amid the violence and brutality of the Renaissance Italy and witnessed the murder of two of his brothers. In 1576, Aloysius’ parents sent him to attend the court of the Grand Duke of Tuscany, Francesco de’Medici, in Florence. Later, accompanied by his parents, he traveled to Spain to join the court of Philip II in Madrid.
In Spain, Aloysius decided he wanted to join the newly founded religious order, The Society of Jesus. His father resisted his decision and there followed a struggle of wills that continued after his return to Castiglione in 1584. But Aloysius eventually prevailed. Renouncing his right to the title of Marquis and to the vast wealth he was destined to inherit, he entered the Society of Jesus in Rome on November 25, 1585. During his early studies in Rome, he would regularly go out into the streets of the city to care for victims of the plague. He himself contracted the disease as a result of his efforts for the suffering and died on June 21, 1591, at the age of twenty-three, six years short of his ordination as a Jesuit priest.
Even before his time as a Jesuit, Aloysius was known for his love of prayer and fasting. He received his First Communion from St. Charles Borromeo. As a Jesuit at the Roman College, he continued to devote his time to prayer and practices of austerity. His spiritual director was Robert Bellarmine, who later was canonized and declared a doctor of the church. When Robert was dying, he asked to be buried next to the grave of Aloysius. Today, they rest next to each other in the church of St. Ignatius Loyola in Rome. Pope Benedict XIII canonized Aloysius in 1726, and three years later declared him to be the patron of youth in the Catholic Church, an honor later confirmed by Pope Pius XI in 1926.
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Jun 11
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Jun 06
6/1 – Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church (New) – “So, My daughter, I was in the midst of My Apostles more than the sun of the day. And I was the Anchor, the Wheel, the Boat in which they found Refuge, to be Safe and Sheltered from every danger. Therefore, I can say that I Delivered the Nascent Church upon My Maternal Knees, and that My Arms were the Boat in which I Led Her to a Safe Harbor, and I Still Lead Her.” – Virgin Mary in the Kingdom of the Divine Will – day thirty
– Pentecost Monday (Trad) – “O Holy Mama, never leave me alone again, and let the Holy Spirit Descend into me, that He may Burn away all that does not belong to the Divine Will.” Virgin Mary in the Kingdom day 30
– +Archbishop Paul F. Leibold to Heaven 1972 – Confessor of Sister Mary Ephrem – Jesus: “I ask of him (Rev. Leibold) what I continue to ask of you (Sr. Mary Ephrem), oh bride of My Heart – prayer and penance. As a priest after My Own Heart, I will be with him in all his trials and sorrows. Tell him not to become discouraged at the crosses awaiting him for I, the Great High-Priest go before him carrying the heaviest part of his cross. I seek always the humble and lowly of heart and since I have found two such, so I have entrusted to them a great mission, but become not vain, for I have Chosen him and you only because of your unworthiness and lack of virtue. Let this thought be with you always, that you may remember that it is I working through you, Who sanctify you for His Glory and the salvation of souls. You are poor instruments in My Hands, but through you a Great Work will be accomplished. I AM the Great Sculptor of souls. With hammer and chisel I form them that they may glorify My Father by their beauty and perfection. Be pliant in My Hands, oh My two lowly ones, My priest and My little white dove, and then will you be formed into My likeness and through you, I will be formed in souls.” (Letter from Sr. Mary Ephrem to her confessor Archbishop +Paul Leibold 2/20/54).
by Dr. Mark Miravalle and Richard L Russell on September 24, 2013
Pope Francis will be welcoming the Our Lady of Fatima statue from Portugal to the Vatican next month. He plans to use the occasion to consecrate the world in to the Immaculate Heart of Mary—as Pope John Paul II had done in 1984 and 2000—just as the Blessed Mother had requested in her 1917 apparition to three shepherd children at Fatima, Portugal in order to foster world peace. Indeed, with the crises in Syria and Egypt boiling and threatening to spillover to neighboring states, the looming crisis over Iran’s suspected nuclear weapons program, and Russia’s growing anti-western foreign policy stance and a more assertive role in the rapidly deteriorating Middle East, Pope Frances’ consecration to Our Lady of Fatima is urgently needed.
While the Marian apparition at Fatima is widely and rightly acknowledged among Catholics for its heavenly offer of assistance to humanity, another and more recent apparition with an offer of another mighty weapon for the Church’s spiritual arsenal goes unused. Just as the Fatima apparitions occurred at the closing stages of World War I, other and just as significant apparitions occurred at the ending of World War II in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Those apparitions had even more to say about the future of international politics than those at Fatima and were given by the Blessed Mother in some 56 appearances to a humble Dutch woman from 1945 to 1959. The apparitions after investigation and discernment were courageously declared in 2002 by the bishop of Amsterdam, Jozef Marianus Punt, as worthy of belief. Tragically, Bishop Punt’s declaration has been largely ignored by much of the Church hierarchy and the faithful.
The Blessed Mother in the Amsterdam apparitions called herself “The Lady of All Nations” and warned of a coming age of “degeneration, disaster, and war.” But she offered help if Catholics would petition the Holy Father to proclaim the fifth and final Marian dogma with Mary as “advocate, mediatrix, and co-redemptrix.” That proclamation would be the capstone of the Church’s four “dogmas” or solemnly pronounced doctrines about the Virgin Mary. First, Mary is the Mother of God (Council of Ephesus, 431). Second, she is a Perpetual Virgin (Lateran Council, 649). Third, Mary was conceived without original sin, or her “Immaculate Conception” (Bl. Pius IX, 1854). And fourth, Mary was assumed body and soul into heaven, or her “Assumption” (Pius XII, 1950).
The Lady of All Nations promised that the proclamation of the fifth and final Marian dogma would bring about a descent of the Holy Spirit in a fashion akin to the Pentecost and the founding of the Holy Catholic Church after Christ’s Ascension from earth to heaven. To prepare the world for this mysterious new Pentecost, the Lady of All Nations asked the faithful to share the image of her apparition in Amsterdam and to daily recite a short prayer:
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Father, send now your Spirit over the earth. Let the Holy Spirit live in the hearts of all nations, that they may be preserved from degeneration, disaster, and war. May the Lady of All Nations, the Blessed Virgin Mary, be our Advocate. Amen.
When one takes a glance at the world stage today, one sees the world in a state of degeneration, disaster, and war just as the Lady of All Nations had warned in Amsterdam decades ago. She revealed, for example, that the world’s climate would drastically change long before anyone ever uttered the words “climate change” as we commonly do today. Climate change is now on pace to happen 10 times faster than any change recorded in the past 65 million years, according to a team of Stanford University professors. Meanwhile, societies are crumbling, economies are failing such as the European Union’s monetary experiment, political chaos and violence are increasing, especially in the Middle East where Syria has used chemical weapons against civilians, all of which seems to be tearing the world apart. Social scientists have impressively harnessed information technology to graphically show the growing frequency and intensity of turmoil, protests, and violence since 1979 in the world. All of these events conform to the warnings of those given by the Lady of All Nations in Amsterdam to prove the authenticity of the apparitions there.
With the world’s descent into political, military, economic, environmental, and societal chaos, it behooves Catholics to contemplate the fifth Marian dogma as an unused weapon in the Church’s arsenal. The popes of Catholic Church, based on scripture and tradition, have officially taught over the course of centuries that the Virgin Mary, Mother of Jesus, is also the Spiritual Mother of All Peoples. Mary performs this role as spiritual mother to humanity in three basic ways: as advocate, mediatrix, and co-redemptrix.
Our Lady’s role as advocate simply confirms that this mother intercedes for our wants and needs with a maternal perseverance and power beyond that of any of the other saints. Mary brings the needs of mankind to the throne of Christ. She is the principal intercessor on behalf of her earthly children, and as queen, she has the greatest possible intercessory power to Jesus, the king of the kingdom of God, for humanity’s needs. In the Old Testament, the queen mother of the king had the greatest power of intercession to her son, the king in the line of David, on behalf of the Jewish people. In the New Testament, Mary is the new queen mother who gives birth to the “king of kings,” and is crowned as the queen and advocate in the kingdom of God to become the greatest intercessor for the people of God to Christ the King. For this role of interceding for humanity, Mary is called the “advocate,” her most ancient title, dating back to the 2nd Century.
Mary is the mediatrix for humanity who spiritually nourishes her earthly children by dispensing the graces of salvation. At the Wedding of Cana, Mary interceded to bring the graces of Jesus to all of humanity. She “mediated” or interceded to bring Jesus himself, the source of all graces, into the world. Mary too was appointed by Jesus himself at the climax of his redeeming sacrifice on the cross to become the spiritual mother of all peoples and to dispense to humanity heavenly graces when he said to Mary, “Behold, your son.” Jesus then told John, and all those who seek to become beloved disciples of Jesus, to “behold your Mother.” For these roles in dispensing the saving graces of Jesus to her earthly children, Mary is called the “mediatrix of all graces.” As Bl. John Paul II explained, “mediatrix is implicit in the term, mother.” The papal Magisterium of the last two centuries has consistently taught this Marian role as mediatrix of all graces, and Pope Benedict XVI Emeritus published this same title on 11 February 2013, the day he announced his resignation.
Some readers at first glance of the proposed fifth dogma would understandably baulk at the concept of Mary as “co-redemptrix.” They might object that Mary was human while only her divine son Jesus could redeem humanity with his crucifixion. But taking a deeper look at the proposed dogma, one sees that it reinforces—and does not contradict— Church beliefs and teachings. Mary uniquely shared in the work of Jesus to redeem the human family, both by giving Jesus his body, the very instrument of redemption, and by suffering with Him at Calvary in a way unparalleled by another other creature. For this extraordinary role with Jesus in saving souls, Mary has been called the “co-redemptrix” in the Church since the 14th century. The prefix “co” means “with,” not “equal.” It must be stressed that Mary is not a goddess on a level or equality with Jesus, but rather she is the unique immaculate human co-redeemer with Jesus, just as every Christian is called to be a “co-redeemer in Christ,” as Bl. John Paul II was fond of saying.
It is clear then that the recognition of the Blessed Mother as advocate, mediatrix, and co-redemptrix, has a long tradition in the Church even if it has not yet been proclaimed dogma. Likewise, the petitioning of the Holy Father for the declaration of dogma is a Church tradition. Petition drives for Marian dogmas are simply Catholic precedence. They are not democratic power plays seeking to force the Pope’s hand. Instead, petition drives are to be seen as manifestations of the sensus fidelium (the “common consensus of the faithful”) in encouraging the Holy Father to a particular course of action which the faithful discern to be for the good of the Church.
Authentic Catholic petition drives must be a request of something that conforms to the faith and moral teachings of the Church and must be submitted with an unconditional obedience to the ultimate discernment and decision of the Vicar of Christ. The Marian dogmas of her Immaculate Conception and her Assumption, for example, were solemnly proclaimed only after a lengthy petition drive from the Catholic faithful to the Holy Father. Before the papal definition of the Immaculate Conception by Blessed Pius IX in 1854, millions of petitions from the Catholic world were sent to the Vatican, with particular perseverance coming from Spain and its Catholic government. In the case of the Assumption, infallibly declared by Pius XII in 1950, over 8 million petitions spanning 95 years were documented by the Holy Office in support of this Marian dogma.
History shows that graces have been poured on the Church after Marian dogmas are proclaimed. The historic situation of the papacy and the Church was bleak, for example, just before the proclamation of the Immaculate Conception. Pope Pius IX had been chased out of the Vatican by Masonic forces from southern Italy. While in exile in Gaeta, two cardinals approached the beleaguered Holy Father with the remedy to this dire situation: proclaim the dogma of the Immaculate Conception. Pius IX acquiesced to their request and from exile wrote to the world’s bishops to state his intention to proclaim the new Marian dogma. The dogma was proclaimed, the papacy was restored, the Vatican and Church were secured, and the Marian dogma of the Immaculate Conception was subsequently declared infallible by the Holy Father.
The proclamation of the fifth Marian dogma would satisfy God’s condition of never forcing grace upon us. The Holy Father’s free acknowledgement and solemn announcement of Mary’s roles as advocate, mediatrix, and co-redemptrix would allow her to fully enact these motherly roles of intercession on behalf of humanity. Since Mary’s motherly titles also are her motherly functions of grace for the Church, the more solemnly we acknowledge these motherly roles, the more powerfully she can exercise them. If these roles were to be infallibly proclaimed by the Holy Father as the highest authority of the world, this proclamation would inextricably lead to the fullest possible release of heavenly graces through our Blessed Mother.
The proclamation of the dogma of Mary “Advocate, Mediatrix, and Co-redemptrix” by the Holy Father would enable the Mother of Jesus to shower the world with a historic outpouring of grace, redemption, and peace in a new and dynamic way—an event which Marian apparitions like Fatima refer to as the “Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.” Pope Francis has been on a blessed tirade of Marian teaching and witness starting with his very first papal act going to St. Mary Major’s Basilica in Rome to thank and honor Our Lady, to his return visit there in early Mary, and to his request to have his papacy consecrated to Our Lady of Fatima on 13 May. The Holy Father will be wielding a powerful spiritual weapon in one hand in October when he consecrates in the world to Our Lady of Fatima. We hope and pray that Pope Francis will soon pick up with his other hand the spiritual weapon the Lady of All Nations offered the Church in Amsterdam by proclaiming the fifth and final Marian dogma. The Holy Father and the Holy Catholic Church will need the weapons of both Fatima and Amsterdam to combat the onslaught of evil as evidenced by the world’s heavier, intensifying, and quickening degeneration, disaster, and war.
For further relections on the Virgin Mary, see Professor Miravalle’s Meet Mary, available from Sophia Institute Press
By Dr. Mark Miravalle and Richard L Russell
Dr. Mark Miravalle is Professor of Theology and Mariology at Franciscan University of Steubenville. He is the author of Meet Mary: Getting To Know The Mother of God among numerous other books pertaining to Mariology. Along with his international travels, he has appeared on radio, television, and a number of conferences. Richard L. Russell, a Catholic convert, holds a Ph.D. in Foreign Affairs from the University of Virginia and specializes in foreign policy and international security. He is the author of three books: Sharpening Strategic Intelligence (Cambridge University Press); Weapons Proliferation and War in the Greater Middle East (Routledge); and, George F. Kennan’s Strategic Thought (Praeger).
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Jun 04
Day Of Pentecost Command Prayer
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May 25
The Ascension in the Divine Will read more here
Prayer of Offering of Self as Victim Together with Luisa Piccarreta on Ascension Thursday
Ascension Day Vow
(Offering ourselves as Victim with Luisa on the Solemnity of the Ascension of Our Lord Jesus Christ into Heaven we now offer our Vow as Victim Together with Luisa Piccarreta, May 26, 2022.)
Abba Father,
In the Name of Jesus, Our Savior, King and Spouse,
in the Unity, Love and Power of the Holy Spirit, Our Sanctifier,
Under the Mantle of Mary, Our Mother and Queen,
with All the Holy Angels and Saints,
through the Intercession of the little daughter of the Divine Will
The Servant of God, Luisa Piccarreta, we pray:
O Most Holy Trinity, Fused in +Jesus, +Mary and +Luisa,
we humbly make this Vow as a Victim with Luisa.
Lord, please accept, Seal and Bind our Vow as Victim.
We Vow to be Victims of:
Heroism, Love, Reparation, Suffering, Sacrifice, Immolation, Consummation,
and of Compassionating You, so other souls may Enter into Your Will
so that Your Divine Will can Reign Triumphantly on earth as it is in Heaven.
With this Vow, we Give to You and Humbly Ask You to Free us of All:
pride, lust, greed, envy, sloth, wrath, gluttony, disobedience, unfaithfulness, failure in our daily duties, weaknesses, oppressions, attachments, impure intentions, imperfections, sadness, worry, fear, doubt, anxiety, complaints, miseries, negativity, any mistrust in You,
anything that fails to Glorify You, and all sin, Heavenly Father,
so that we Joyfully Acquire to re-enter Your Divine Life,
Divine Property and Divine Glory,
that You, Dear Lord, have so patiently awaited
mankind’s return for six thousand years.
Seal all the doors to the evils of the human will, so that they may never be opened again.
Invest our nothingness within Your Will and fill us to the brim
with Your Divine Being. Dominate us by Your Divine Will.
We Vow today to be Your Dwelling Place, and You, in exchange,
be the Temple of our soul and let us be the Temple of You, O Lord God.
Take our human will to Heaven as Your Most Beautiful Victory and in exchange,
Give us Your Most Holy Divine Will to be our Life.
Please take our humble prayer and make it Your Command!
May All be Accomplished and Completed in Your Most Holy Divine Will!
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