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Hours of the Passion Schedule For Lent 2020

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Our Lady as the Ark of the Covenant

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Lent is Coming

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Feast of the Baptism of Our Lord

Feast of the Baptism of Our LordThe Baptism of Jesus in the Divine Will

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Feast of the Holy Name of Jesus

Feast of the Holy Name of Jesus In the Kingdom of the Divine Will

Link to the Feast of the Most Holy Name of Jesus


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Christ is Born – Happy Birthday Jesus


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Novena to Our Lady of Guadalupe Dec 4 -12

Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe December 12th

Memorare of Our Lady of Guadalupe
(to be prayed each day)

Remember, O most gracious Virgin of Guadalupe, that in your heavenly apparitions on the mount of Tepeyac, you promised to show your compassion and pity towards all who, loving and trusting you, seek your help and call upon you in their necessities and afflictions. You promised to hear our supplications, to dry our tears, and to give us consolation and relief.

Never has it been known that anyone who fled to your protection, implored your help, or sought your intercession, was left unaided. Inspired by this confidence, we fly to you, O Mary, ever-Virgin Mother of the true God! Though grieving under the weight of our sins, we come to prostrate ourselves before you. We fully trust that, standing beneath your shadow and protection, nothing will trouble or afflict us, nor do we need to fear illness or misfortune, or any other sorrow.

O Virgin of Guadalupe, you want to remain with us through your admirable Image, you who are our Mother, our health, and our life. Placing ourselves beneath your maternal gaze, and having recourse to you in all our necessities, we need do nothing more.

O Holy Mother of God, despise not our petitions, but in your mercy hear and answer us. Amen


Novena to Our Lady of Gudalupe can be found here



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Feast of All Saints

Feast of all Saints
Feast of All Saints in the Divine Will



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Command Prayer Novena Nov 1st to the 9th


From November 1st to the 9th

For the November 10-13 USCCB presidential and vice-presidential elections. Among those on the ballot are Bishop Thomas John Paprocki of Springfield (IL) and Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades of Fort Wayne-South Bend (IN),

both in support of Our Lady of America and Her Heavenly Requests.


“I place My Confidence in My faithful sons, the Bishops, who will not fail to take up My Cause and make it bear much fruit for sanctification among so many and countless souls.”

(Our Lady of America as recorded in a letter of Sr. Mary Ephrem to Archbishop +Alter – 4/13/60)


“I Come to you, O children of America, as a last resort. I plead with you to listen to My Voice.”

It is to the Bishops that Our Lady of America places this Mandate. If it is accomplished, Our Lady Promised greater miracles than those granted in Lourdes and Fatima will be granted here in America, the United States in particular, if we do as She Desires (Sister’s notes 2/2/60)


In the Name of Jesus

In the Power and Love of the Holy Spirit

Under the Mantle of Mary, Our Lady of America

with the Angels and Saints

Through the Intercession of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta,


As You Cried out Lord, “The Pillar of My Church has no place on which to lean!”

We, the little children, through the little daughter of the Divine Will, Luisa Piccarreta,

Pronounce our ‘Fiat!’ to sustain this pillar in these times so incorrigible.

We pray in Your Holy Divine Will for the Bishops of the United States to become

instruments capable of keeping the Church stable and firm! (V3 – 11.1.99)

We unite our pains, long sacrifices and incessant prayers with You Lord,

Through Our Lady of America, The Immaculate Virgin,

Through the Intercession of our little mama Luisa,

And Saint Annibale Maria di Francia.

With this, Give Special Light and Great Graces to the United States Bishops,

That they may comprehend Your Holy Will,

And proclaim what regards Your Eternal Will! (V20 – 11.6.26)

May the Bishops process the statue of Our Lady of America

into the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception in Washington D.C.,

answering Our Lady’s urgent Request.


May those who represent Your Holy Church

Know the Kingdom of Your Fiat and possess It,

Making Your Most Holy Divine Will known throughout the world,

Bringing about the First Dawn and Hope

for the Sun of Your Divine Fiat to soon Rise! (V25 – 10.7.28)


Please take our humble prayer and Make it Your Command!

We Believe! We Receive!

Fiat! Amen!

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Feast of the Guardian Angel

Your Guardian Angel

Book of Heaven
The Call of the Creature to the Order, the Place and the Purpose
for which He was Created by God
Volume 14 – April 25, 1922

Thousands of Angels are the guardians and custodians of the acts done in
the Divine Will.

The Servant of God, Luisa Piccarreta the Little Daughter of the Divine Will:

Continuing in my usual state, I felt all immersed in the Divine Volition, and my sweet Jesus told me: “My daughter, just as the Sun does not leave the plant, but caresses it with its light, fecundates it with its heat until it produces fruits and flowers; and then, jealous, it makes them mature, it keeps them with its light, and only then does it leave the fruit when the farmer picks it to make of it his food, the same for the acts done in My Will: My Love, My jealousy toward them is such that Grace caresses them, My Love conceives them, fecundates them and matures them. I place thousands of Angels as custodians of one single act done in My Will. In fact, since these acts done in My Will are seeds so that My Will may be done on earth as It is in Heaven, everyone is jealous of these acts. Their dew is My breath; their shadow is My Light. The Angels remain enraptured by them (acts done in the Divine Will) and, reverent, they adore them, because in these acts they see the Eternal Volition, which deserves all their adoration. Only then do they leave these acts, when I find souls who, picking them as Divine fruits, make of them food for their own souls. Oh, fecundity and multiplicity of these acts! The creature herself who does them cannot count them.”

Then I (Luisa) was thinking to myself: “How is it possible that these acts be so great? And why do even Angels remain enraptured?”

And Jesus, squeezing me more tightly in His arms, added: “My daughter, these acts are so great that, as the soul keeps doing them, there is nothing, both in Heaven and on earth, in which she does not take part. She remains in communication with all created things. All the good, the effects, the value of the heavens, of the sun, of the stars, of water, of fire, etc., are not only in continuous relations with her, but they are her own things. She harmonizes with the whole Creation, and the whole of Creation harmonizes within her.

Why, then? Because those who live in My Will are the depositories, the preservers, the supporters, the defenders of My Will. They foresee what I want, and without Me commanding, they execute what I want; and comprehending the greatness, the Sanctity of My Will, they keep It and defend It jealously. How could everyone not remain enraptured in seeing these souls who form the support of their God, by virtue of the prodigy of My Will? Who can ever defend My rights if not the one who lives in My Will? Who can ever really love Me, with love of disinterest similar to My Love, if not the one who lives in My Will? I feel stronger in these souls, but strong of My own Strength. I am like a king surrounded by faithful ministers, who feels stronger, more glorious, more sustained, in the midst of his faithful ones than by himself alone. If he remains alone, he regrets not having his ministers, because he has no one with whom to pour himself out, and to whom to entrust the lot of his kingdom. So I am – and who could ever be more faithful to Me than the one who lives in My Will? I feel My Will being duplicated, therefore I feel more glorious, I pour Myself out with them, and I trust them.”


Taken From: Biography Luisa Piccarreta –
Childhood Memories by Padre Bernardino Giuseppe Bucci

Divine Providence was leading this child along these mysterious paths, in such a way that Luisa knew no joy other than God and His Grace. In fact, one day the Lord will say to her: “Listen, I went around the earth, over and over again; I looked at all creatures, one by one, in order to find the littlest of all. And among them all I found you, the littlest of all. I liked your littleness, and I chose you. I entrusted you to my Angels to guard you, not to make you great, but to preserve your littleness. Now I want to begin the great work of the fulfillment of my Will. You will not feel greater because of this; on the contrary, my Will will make you smaller, and you will continue to be the little daughter of your Jesus – the little daughter of my Will” (Vol. 12, 3-23-1921).

One day, being assailed by the evil spirit, terrorized, Luisa turned to her Celestial Mama, who benignly spoke to her:

“Why do you fear? Your Angel is by your side, Jesus is in your heart, and your Celestial Mama keeps you under Her mantle. Why do you fear then? Who is stronger? Your guardian Angel, your Jesus, your Celestial Mama, or the infernal enemy? Therefore, do not run away, but stay, pray, and do not fear.” At that instant everything disappeared; serenity invaded her, and nothing else happened to her.

Conversation between Padre Bucci and his Aunt Rosaria
Padre Bucci: “But her writings can’t reveal everything about Luisa’s life, because it was far more complex”.

“That’s true” Padre Bucci’s Aunt Rosaria answered. “I could tell of many things that no one knows”.

Padre Bucci: “So why do you insistently refuse to speak?”

Padre Bucci’s Aunt Rosaria: “If Luisa had wished them to be known she would have written them down, or the Church would have ordered her to write them; it is clear that certain phenomena which occurred, which I and others witnessed, do not serve for the sanctification of souls. The Lord permitted to be known all that is of use to the Church and to souls, the rest serves no purpose. In speaking of these things I feel as if I were profaning the intimacy that was built up between God and Luisa, human beings would not understand. The message bequeathed by Luisa exceeds her very person. Luisa wanted the Lord alone to have all the honor and glory, and she was to disappear into nothingness; this is why she loved solitude and silence, and showed great distress when she noticed that she was the object of people’ veneration, for she considered herself only a poor sick person, in need of everything. I and others knew very well that Luisa had no need of anything, and that we had to be the custodians of her mystery. How often in the morning did I find Luisa all tidy and the altar already prepared for Holy Mass with the candles lit”.

Padre Bucci: “And how did this happen, if Luisa never set foot out of bed for about sixty years? Are you sure of what you say?”.

Padre Bucci’s Aunt Rosaria “Absolutely certain! Because I was the only one who entered her room” Padre Bucci: “Did you never wonder what the explanation was?”.

Padre Bucci’s Aunt Rosaria “I thought that Angels served her, especially her guardian Angel, to whom she was deeply devoted. Her room was often found full of fragrance”.


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