Daily Meditations of Pope Benedict XVI
Presented by Leonardo Defilippis of St. Luke Productions
“Eucharist as Blending One’s Existence.”
The most profound content of Christian Eucharistic Piety is formulated as a standard of conduct.
According to 1 Corinthians 6:12-19, receiving the Eucharist means: blending one’s existence closely, analogical, spiritually, to what happens when man and wife become one on the physical, mental, spiritual plane. The dream of blending Divinity with humanity, a breaking out of the limitations of a creature is here fulfilled.
Man’s promethean attempts to break out of his limitations himself, to build with his own capacities the tower by which he may mount up to Divinity, always necessarily end in collapse and disappointment, indeed in despair. This blending, this union has become possible because God came down in Christ, took upon Himself the limitations of human existence, suffering them to the end and in the Infinite Love of the Crucified One opened up the door to Infinity. The real end of Creation, its underlying purpose, and conversely that of human existence as Willed by the Creator is this very Union that ‘God may be All in all.’
This meditation is taken from Benedictus, published by Ignatius Press and Magnificat and produced by St. Luke Productions.